Markens Grøde 21. september på Bygdøy Kongsgård er dessverre avlyst pga. sykdom

Visjoner Teater må dessverre avlyse MARKENS GRØDE på grunn av sykdom. Forestillingen skulle vises på Bygdøy 21. september i forbindelse med høsttakkefesten på Gartneriet Bygdø Kongsgård. Kontakt Gartneriet med spørsmål om billettrefusjon. Vi regner med å få til et liknende arrangement i 2020 i samarbeid med Gartneriet og Bygdø Kongsgård. Due to illness “Growth of the Soil” 21th September at…

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Svalbard Movements 2019 – 2020

Svalbard Movements  will be a performance created for and inspired by Taubanesentralen at Svalbard. Premiere September 2020. Svalbard Movements will be Visjoner Teaters  first performance in a series of Arctic Projects 2020-2025, based on the research by Maria Ellingsen and Juni Dahr. The performance concept for Taubanesenstralen is developed in collaboration with the performing artists, actors, musicians, dancer, light and…

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Jeanne d’Arc to Festival de Almada in Portugal

We are for the fourth time invited to the Festival de Almada. This time with Joan of Arc, performed at the beautiful church at the St. Paul Monastry in Almada 15th, 16th and 17th of July 2019. Read more at the festival’s website. (Foto Luana Santos)…

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Markens Grøde spilles i Porsgrunn og Oslo

Markens Grøde vises på PIT Porsgrunn Internasjonale Teaterfestival. Her er mer info om forestillingene, spilletider og spillested. Growth of the Soil will be part of the PIT-festival with performances 11th, 12th and 13th of June 2019, and there will also be a performance in Oslo at Bygdø Kongsgård. Tickets you find here. Markens Grøde vises på Bygdø Kongsgård i Oslo…

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Markens Grøde hi res

Hedda Gabler to Brno

Visjoner Teater will be performing Hedda Gabler at the international festival Theatre World Brno (Czech Republic), May 23rd, 2019. Get your tickets and check out rest of the impressive program here: Hedda Gabler premiered at Sæterhytten in Oslo in 2011 and has since been a part of the International Ibsen Festival in Oslo several times, as well as doing guest…

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Hedda Gabler

International Womens’ Day in Kulturkirken Jacob

We welcome you to celebrate International Women’s Day with four female artists who have excelled artistically while sharing awareness of female representation and role models. Juni Dahr and Chris Poole will be performing Joan of Arc -Vision through Fire as part of the programme. In the spirit of The Maiden of Orleans, we raise the question: What are we and our fellow sisters…

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“Spor” / “Tracks” at PolarJazz February 3rd

Actress June Dahr, jazz musicians Tore Brunborg and Per Oddvar Johansen together with the choir Store Norske Mandskor invite you to experience “Spor” (“Tracks”) – a concert performance held in a mine as part of PolarJazz festival in Svalbard. “Tracks” is inspired by our meeting with Svalbard. New compositions for saxophone and drums are combined with samples and historical texts….

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Juni Dahr, Per Oddvar Johansen og Tore Brunborg

Godt nytt 2019

Visjoner Teater ønsker alle et riktig godt nytt år! Vi ser fram til å realisere vårt nye prosjekt på Svalbard i september, og også til å vise forestillingene Hedda Gabler, Markens Grøde og Jeanne d’Arc nasjonalt og internasjonalt i 2019….

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Jeanne d’Arc to Gamle Aker kirke

Visjoner Teater inviterer deg inn i Gamle Aker Kirke i høst. Juni Dahr formidler historien om Jeanne d’Arc 13. og 14. november kl. 19.00. Vi henvender oss også til Oslo-skolene med denne forestillingen og skoleklasser kan søke støtte for å få dekket billettutgiftet hos DKS gjennom Bonusordningen. Historien om Jeanne d’Arc berører alle aldere. Ordinære billetter bestilles ved å gå…

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Jeanne d'Arc

Hedda Gabler to The Ibsen Festial in Oslo

Get up close with Hedda Gabler  – inside Hedda’s house. Performances at Sæterhytten 11, 12 and 13 of September 2018. Tickets are available at Nationaltheatret now. Get your tickets here….

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