La Maladie De La Mort - Juni Dahr

La maladie de la mort

Premiere på Grand Hotel i Oslo suite 254, 22.04.2010.

Performed at suite 254 Grand Hotel, Oslo in April 2010.

In her texts, Marguerite Duras portrays love, sexuality and strong emotions. La maladie de la mort depicts with force and strong erotic undercurrents an interaction between a man and a woman. We face a violent sensuality in a dreamlike atmosphere.

How do we convey an erotic-laden text to an audience today?

A man has paid a woman for a room by the sea. He will try to love, seek himself through being with her. The text asks: Is it a deadly disease … to be unable to love?

Marguerite Duras (1914-1996) is among other things known for L’Amour and Hiroshima mon amour.

”Du sier til henne at du vil forsøke,
Forsøke i flere dager kanskje.
Kanskje i flere uker
Kanskje til og med i hele ditt liv
Hun spør: forsøke hva?
Du sier: Å elske.”

Marguerite Duras

Marguerite Duras


Artistic director and performance concept: Juni Dahr

Actors: Juni Dahr and Lars Øyno

Text: Marguerite Duras

Translation: Kjell Helgheim
Visual design: Gabrielle Kielland

Costumes: Silje Fjellberg
Instruction: Tonje Gotschalksen
Producer/photo: Marianne Roland

Supported by Arts Council Norway and  Fritt Ord